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EES Distinguished Speaker Series - Fall 2024

Meets on Thursdays at 3:00 PM, Room NS 351
*unless noted otherwise

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Host
5-Sep Dr. Suki Dorfman MSU EES A year of mineral physics in Taipei No host needed
12-Sep Dr. Yadu Pokhrel MSU College of Engineering TBD Dr. Anthony Kendall
19-Sep Dr. Peter Shearer Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Adventures in measuring variations in high-frequency radiation for small to moderate earthquakes Dr. Shawn Wei
26-Sep Dr. Autumn Haagsma Michigan Geological Survey TBD Dr. Matt Schrenk
3-Oct Dr. Peter Crockford Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University The geologic history of Earth's biosphere Dr. Dalton Hardsity
10-Oct Dr. Brad Foley Department of Geosciences, Penn State University Geodynamic constraints on early Earth crust formation and tectonics Dr. Seth Jacobson
17-Oct Dr. Lin Liu Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Geodetic studies of frozen ground Dr. Jeff Freymueller
24-Oct Dr. Emily Roland Department of Geology, Western Washington University TBD Dr. Julie Elliot
31-Oct Dr. Charles-Edouard Boukare Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University Fluid dynamics of magma oceans: from early Earth to lava exoplanets Dr. Suki Dorfman
7-Nov Dr. Jake Beaulieu National Risk Management Research Lab, EPA TBD Dr. Kelly Aho
14-Nov Dr. Jeff McKenzie Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University TBD Dr. Jay Zarnetske
21-Nov Dr. Clement Bataille Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Ottawa Playing the isotope symphony for geolocation Dr. Jim Moran
28-Nov Holiday - University Closed