EES Distinguished Speaker Series - Spring 2023
Meets at 12:30 PM, Room NS 204
Date | Speaker | Title |
1/13/23 | Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni | "The temperature, morphology and life cycle of mantle plumes: an experimental perspective." |
1/20/23 | Valerie Finlayson | “Five decades of mantle plumes: A retrospective and future directions" |
1/27/23 | Rita Parai | "Accretion of a dry lower mantle from noble gas isotopes" |
2/3/23 | Kim Van Meter | "Land Use Legacies adn Water Quality Futures" |
2/10/23 | Sara Pruss | "Fossil Skeletal Preservation Reveals Redox Conditions in Ancient Oceans" |
2/24/23 | Grad Symposium | Grad Symposium |
3/3/23 | Leigh Sterns | "The complex relationship between ice velocity and calving around Greenland" |
3/17/23 | Andrew Gronewold | "Understanding changes in the water balance of large lake systems and implications for future water resources mgmt planning |
3/24/23 | Leigh Sterns | "The complex relationship between ice velocit and calving around Greenland" |
3/31/23 | TBA | TBA |
4/7/23 | Weiqiang Zhu | TBA |
4/14/23 | Tom Hudgins | TBA |
4/21/23 | Cari Corrigan | "The U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Collection - Collection, Curation, and Solar System Exploration" |