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Dr. Jacqueline Gerson receives grants: NSF DISES and USDA NIFA Women and Minorities in STEM

Dr. Jacqueline Gerson has received an NSF DISES grant entitled, “Investigating mercury biogeochemical cycling via mixed-methods in complex artisanal gold mining landscapes and implications for community health.” This is a 5-year $1.5 million grant with a social scientist from Colorado State University and a mining engineer from Ghana to understand the fate and impact of mercury from artisanal gold mining in Ghana.
Dr. Jacqueline Gerson also received a grant from USDA NIFA Women and Minorities in STEM (WAMS) entitled “GALS Arizona and Michigan: Girls on outdoor Adventure for Leadership and Science in Arizona and Michigan.” This grant is to create a free summer science program for high school students to learn science hands-on while overnight camping and backpacking through the wilderness. GALS aims to increase opportunities for students who identify as female or gender nonconforming, students of color, students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and other groups underrepresented in fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). This builds off a program they co-founded in North Carolina (http://sciencegals.org).
photo credit:  Heidi Hausermann