Dorfman Receives Tenure
EES is proud to announce that Dr. Susannah Dorfman has been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor.

Dorfman's research simulates the conditions inside Earth and other planets using experiments in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell at high pressures (up to 2.5 Mbar) and temperatures (up to 6000 K). She is interested in the effects of these extreme conditions on phase equilibria and physical properties of planetary materials including mantle silicates and carbonates.
Her laboratory probes crystal structures and compositions in situ using synchrotron diffraction and spectroscopy and ex situ using electron microscopy techniques.
Dorfman joined EES in 2015 after working as a postdoctoral scientist in the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) in Switzerland. She received degrees from Princeton University (Ph.D. 2012, M.S. 2008) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (S.B. 2005).