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EES Student Spotlight: Alexandra Grabowski

Alexandra Grabowski is a double major in Geological Sciences and Lyman Briggs; Molecular Genomics and Genetics.  Alexandra is bioprospecting for Sulfurovum from different deep sea vent samples in Dr. Matt Schrenk’s lab with PhD student Sarah Gonzalez Henao.  They are working together on the biofilm growth of deep-sea vent bacteria Sulfurovum. They will put the bacteria under different environmental constraints to find the optimal environment for biofilm growth.

As a new student entering a large university, Alexandra was worried about the competitive atmosphere, but people seem more helpful than competitive here!  “Everyone here is so kind and is very friendly. Everyone is willing to talk about their research and try to get to know one another.”  “The support within the department (EES) is amazing and not what I expected.”

Advice from this EES student: “I got into my research from cold emailing and was lucky to get an email back. But I have reached out many times to others and not gotten a response, but it is always worth trying.”  “Join (our department)! There are so many great resources, a great community, and so many experiences available at your disposal. You would come into a very welcoming place.”

Fun facts about Alexandra:  I'm interested in studying astrobiology in the areas of geomicrobiology, origin and early evolution of life, and geo-bio chemical interactions. I love watching movies and trying to figure out the message behind them. I also enjoy gardening, baking, and watching any MSU game, GO GREEN!