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EES Guest Speaker - Dr. Suki Dorfman

This week's speaker is our very own Dr. Susannah (Suki) Dorfman!  Please join us Thursday September 5th, 0224 at 3pm in room 351 Nat Sci.

Talk Title:  A year of mineral physics in Taipei

Abstract: A major goal of my research is to determine how chemical composition of the deep Earth is expressed in observable geophysical properties and processes. In particular, I have focused on effects of differences in iron concentration and oxidation state on density and elasticity of Earth’s lower mantle and its consequences for seismology and geodynamics. This past year, I used sabbatical leave to pursue a new question: how does heterogeneity in iron concentration and oxidation impact the flow of heat out of the core and through the mantle? I carried out this research as a visiting scholar in the Extreme Conditions Laboratory at the Institute for Earth Sciences at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. In this relatively informal seminar I will also share some of my personal experiences of living and working in Taipei.